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Who We Are

  • Acknowledged Subject Matter Experts at the State and Federal levels, our consultants have offered over 400 written and verbal expert testimony to State and Federal regulatory agencies covering issues in the Energy, Telecommunications, Natural Gas, Water/Wastewater arenas.

  • Our consultants have served as Legislative lobbyists, Senior Advisors at the State and Federal agency level, as Representatives and Chairmen on various State-level committees and sub-committees, and as members of Oversight and Stakeholder Boards.


  • Proven project and program managers with portfolios containing multi-million dollar projects, our consultants have the experience, skills and organizational skills to manage your programs, portfolios and projects effectively and efficiently.

Get to Know Us

Professional. Experienced. Dedication. Commitment. These are terms thrown around by a lot of firms. At PMG, we do not use these terms loosely because they’re the core values we live by. More importantly, because we value our client's confidentiality and the work each does, we recognize our work frequently touches areas State and Federal government, as well as regulators may have a profound interest in.  For that very reason, many of our clients tend to be apprehensive bringing in outside entities who might share or report on information or issues which could create new venues of regulatory authority or investigations.  For that reason, PMG will not, under any condition, discuss or share the names of our clients, the contracts we work under or the details of the work we do for a specific client. Trust is hard to build, confidentiality is fragile and both are PMG core values.

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Expertise Where You Need It Most

Renewable and alternative energy generation, energy storage, infrastructure protection, and the full range of issues within the regulatory construct (rate making, economics, business continuity, etc.) continue to be hot button issues today needing solutions now, not tomorrow.  The information and data we provide to our clients, the advice we offer and the recommendations we present – we take every step to make sure what we deliver is vetted and proven; that it is the best option for the client. Our clients have challenges they seek answers for.  PMG has the experience and expertise to meet these challenges now - to develop positions, shape policy, define regulation, or offer direction with expertise based on experience and fact – expertise tested offering those positions in testimony and papers – expertise respected by decision makers.

Areas of Expertise

With decades of experience in a wide variety of technical and management fields in a number of fields, there’s no doubt PMG can connect you with the right person at a cost you may find surprisingly affordable.

The Expert Consulting Group provides professional, skilled and exceptionally knowledgeable advisory services to participants in the following:



PMG's consultants are well-known for the Project Management services they provide to the customers. Whether a specific project requiring Project Management expertise, or a Portfolio, Program, or Project Management Office your organization is considering implementing, we have the team to manage it professionally, effectively, and efficiently.


Our consultants are exactly what you need to conduct Independent Program/Project Review (IPR) Services. Regardless if it’s experienced project, program and portfolio management experts, PMG Consulting will put a team in place with the skills and experience necessary for your specific requirements to identify and address the most challenging problems.



PMG Consulting can provide you with consultants to act as a liaison with stakeholders to communicate, gather, analyze, then validate requirements to develop or modify business processes, policies, and practices.



Need performance improvements to make your organization run more effective and efficient? We analyze existing business problems, recommend solutions and develop future plans to make your business even more successful with a consulting team recognized as experts in a variety of industries including utilities, telecommunications, and education.



As energy markets become increasingly sophisticated and complicated, you need consultants who can negotiate not just favorable energy contracts but also well-designed increases to accommodate those contracts. Energy supply for customers is a factor of rate case negotiation and litigation, but open, competitive wholesale and retail markets create opportunities for alternative generation and supply arrangements. Our team of consultants has the experience you need in contract negotiation support to address tough issues such as: -Power supply costs -Power supply price escalation -Wheeling arrangements -Power supply displacement -Standby service arrangements -Energy efficiency and conservation funding -Cogeneration -Facilities operations and management costs -Fuel purchase methods -Transmission -Reliability -Special facilities costs -Termination provisions -Facilities ownership



Rapid technological advances, resource constraints, price volatility, environmental concerns and regulatory construct are driving the desire, demand and regulation of and for renewable energy resources. Lawmakers and regulators encourage developing renewable resources while providing incentives and policies to accelerate and facilitate the deployment yet that same development is typically adversely affected by those same economic, financial, technical, and regulatory barriers. Our consultants have decades of experience negotiating the sometimes complicated regulatory environment while working with customers to comply with RPS requirements procuring renewable energy certificates to meet goals.



From high level rate case assistance (case management, regulatory strategy, etc.) to providing expert consulting on specific technical rate case requirements (revenue requirements, cash working capital, cost of service studies, marginal cost studies and pricing, rate design, tariff design, cost of capital, attrition of earnings, and rate base), PMG Consulting has the experience you won’t find in many firms assisting your organization in utility ratemaking proceedings, including: incentive ratemaking approaches, revenue decoupling, capital spending recovery mechanisms, and inflation adjustment mechanisms. Our team also provides support for a broad range of policy, regulatory, and legislative initiatives coupled with well-proven capabilities in analyzing revenue requirements, class cost-of-service studies, rate of return analysis, and rate design.


PMG Consulting has the team you need to accomplish utility performance benchmarking studies for internal process assessment and improvement as well as performance evaluations for ratemaking dockets. From compiling quantitative and qualitative data to establishing metric hierarchy, we accurately represent the operations or processes, then move beyond simple high-level analysis to explore sub-process performance drivers. Our consultants find the root causes of performance gaps, then define strategies to address them.



For commission-ordered management and operations audits, PMG Consultants can assist utilities by auditing management and project selection processes, then reviewing and opining with regard to the prudence of the clients’ project management practices before regulatory agencies. Our consultants have the experience and expertise to be the Independent Monitor you need, providing external oversight services for projects requiring that level of scrutiny.



PMG Consulting has over 50 years of combined experience developing and supporting depreciation studies. Understanding and with experience working under the increasingly strict requirements regulators require to support depreciation studies, we work to understand the current plant in service, then examine expected forces of retirement on the plant, and the historical retirement trends. The seamless integration of depreciation studies into rate case support, leveraging cost efficiencies from all components of rate case requirements is a hallmark trait of our work.



PMG Consultants have accomplished over 100 billing and financial due diligence reviews for utility service arrangements in both competitive and regulated market environments. Most of the reviews were accomplished as part of broader utility studies, rate case intervention, or regulatory case negotiations, especially where there is a necessity for an understanding of charges applied and rate designs in place.


The PMG Consulting team has a proven track record with over 100 years of broad experience developing regulatory and policy analysis and strategy. With over 500 sets of public testimony and studies provided by our consulting staff over their years of public service, our team has been involved in issues as:


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9890 Liberia Avenue #1093

Manassas, VA 20110

PH:  571-383-6109

© 2021 by PMG Consultants

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